moving on to another phrase of life by our Alumni gives us at

a sense of fulfillment .

moving on to another phrase of life by our Alumni gives us at

a sense of fulfillment .

With outmost gratitude to God, we at SBS are always glad to see our very own alumni moving to another path of life and education. This gives us so much to be grateful for as we make it possible through our esteemed parents who believe in us mould great minds together.
standard bearers school
standard bearers school
With outmost gratitude to God, we at SBS are always glad to see our very own alumni moving to another path of life and education. This gives us so much to be grateful for as we make it possible through our esteemed parents who believe in us mould great minds together.
standard bearers school
With outmost gratitude to God, we at SBS are always glad to see our very own alumni moving to another path of life and education. This gives us so much to be grateful for as we make it possible through our esteemed parents who believe in us mould great minds together.

The last day for our year 6 is usually very emotional, however, we do not say goodbye but see you later.
Share your sparkle wherever you are!

The last day for our year 6 is usually very emotional, however, we do not say goodbye but see you later.
Share your sparkle wherever you are!

Words from our moving on alumni set of 2022

standard bearers school

Our alumni are strong and we are happy that they always look back to keep us informed.

“In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, We at  SBS say keep dreaming and make reality..”

Our alumni are strong and we are happy that they always look back to keep us informed.

standard bearers school

“In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, We at SBS say keep dreaming and make reality”

Our alumni are strong and we are happy that they always look back to keep us informed.

standard bearers school

“In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, We at SBS say keep dreaming and make reality”